Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Review: Jacob Marley's Christmas Carol

With the holiday season peeking around the corner I thought I would share a quick review of my favorite non-traditional Christmas novel.

“Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol” written by Tom Mula based on his one-man play.

The story is not so much a sequel has it is the same story told from the perspective of the ghost of Jacob Marley.

Beginning with Jacob Marley’s death the story follows Jacob to the other side. While he does find that his just completed life was not exemplary he comes to understand that he has not condemned himself to eternal damnation either.

In dealing with post life bureaucracy Jacob finds that he has the opportunity for redemption if he can complete the mission that he has been offered. The mission fittingly enough is the redemption of Ebenezer Scrooge himself.

The remainder of this excellent book deals with Jacob’s attempts to make Ebenezer aware of his possible fate.

Mr. Mula finally answers the question that had been bothering me for years. Was Jacob himself beyond redemption?

The familiar characters of Dickens London are brought back to life without missing a beat. The scene development and the dialogue are both exceptional. Anyone who loves the Christmas season will find the Spirit of Christmas alive and well in the pages of this wonderful book.

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