What is the difference between fall and autumn? If there is no difference why is their two words for fall but only one for winter, spring and summer?
Where did the old wives tale that elephants are afraid of mice originate?
If the polar caps melt completely where will Santa go? And who will pay for all of the elves to relocate?
Since when did Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Hellraiser and their ilk become Halloween classics? Halloween is a week away and I cannot find Frankenstein, Dracula, Wolfman or campy fifties Sci-Fi and Horror on any ones schedule.
Speaking of movies when will the next remotely original film make it to the silver screen?
On the same subject when going to the movies costs a couple close to thirty dollars what is the incentive when in three months you can buy the film at Wal-Mart for fifteen dollars?
How come consumers continue to purchase products packaged with the new and improved label when in most cases all they did was change the packaging and jack up the price?
How come I can buy a brand new Mr. Coffee Ice Tea Maker for $20.00 but if I want to by a replacement pitcher from the companies website it will cost close $30.00? Not once as the tea maker broken but when the pitcher does I buy the whole since it’s cheaper.
What happened to a singer or group having some legitimate staying power and/or talent before they put out a greatest hits package?
How many people actually reply to the various e-mail scams asking to use your good name to have funds released from some bank? And if a person is that gullible shouldn’t someone be providing around the clock care for them at this point?
If there is only one true religion what happens to the non-believers after death?
Finally if a woodchuck could chuck wood, how much wood would a woodchuck chuck?
5 years ago