Thursday, July 21, 2005






And now without further ado the latest, greatest urban label: PETROSEXUAL

No a petrosexual is not someone who has some weird fascination with petrol based products.

A petrosexual, according to the August 2005 Reader's Digest, is the label created to identify four legged feline and canine friends. Who, through no choice of their own belong to people with more cash than common sense and who use said cash to pamper and spoil their furry companions.

Anually more than $30,000,000,000.00 is spent clothing, tweezing, pedicuring and massaging Fido and Kitty. This figure does not include the basic needs such as food, water and shelter.

Thirty billion dollars on pets, while schools are falling apart, people worldwide are starving, the infastructures of major cities are in decay, hell if they have that much money to burn they could share some with me.

When did pets achieve the same status as trophy wives and sugar daddies?

I know I sound like an old coot but in my day we walked are dogs, watched our cats chase balls of yarn and gave them a good belly rub when we were feeling down. It never occured to us to play dress up with our animal friends.

Thirty billion dollars on pets, while schools are falling apart, people worldwide ar starving the infastructures of major cities are in decay, hell if they have that much money to burn they could Fedex some my way.

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