The road to enlightenment despite the ranting and raving of false prophets is not one to be traveled with blinders on. No one said the way was easy nor promised wisdom without a price.
So many have promised; follow this path, stay on the straight and narrow, fervently pray for divine intervention therefore freeing man from the responsibility of attaining humility as he runs rough shod over this opulent gem we call earth.
In their so called inspired teachings we are led to believe that as long as we keep our eye on the prize we are sure to attain prime seating for the grand finale: Armageddon.
Then what? And at what price?
A difficult question to be sure. Following this path requires the asking. Have we as mankind been given this gift of life, only to struggle for eight or nine decades to attain the cosmic equivalent of a waiting room?
When you boil it all down that is the bill of goods we are being sold. Live a good life. Follow the path. Say your prayers for humanity. Humble yourself before God. And than my child your just reward will be #13,113,113,113,666 in the deli of eternity.
Sure streets are paved with gold. Angels sing on high. Prophets worship at the throne of the almighty and the common man still has to wait forever behind the holier than though just to find out where the restroom of eternity is.
Why do we continue as a species to sell ourselves short?
Why do we look out our window and say to ourselves the best that God wants for us is to come sit around heaven with him?
Why is religion beginning to sound suspiciously like somebody’s idea of the ultimate reality show? Whoever does jumps through these hoops with the most fervor will win an all expense paid trip to the after life. Whoopee. If eternity is nothing more than a bastardized reflection of our loudest teachers they can have it, I would rather rot in the ground.
What if heaven is not a place? What if heaven is the journey itself? What if death rather than a destination is nothing more than a change in scenery? No different than when Dorothy landing in Oz leaves the world of black and white behind and can suddenly see the colors that were there all along is she had only known where to look.
What if?
Ask your self that question. It is simple really only two syllables. Say it aloud – What if?
What if?
Life is not one road but billions of roads. As many roads as there are stars in the sky at night. What if each road was placed there specifically for are choosing paths for us to follow. The paths may be straight and narrow or broad and wide. There may be one-way streets and streets that are circles perpetuity. Highways that appear to go on forever but suddenly end around an innocent corner with no explanation but a sign that reads Oops.
Despite the tunnel vision we are being sold it is not the destination that matters it is the partaking of the journey that counts. Which means white robed holier than thou types who sit in judgment of others need not apply. This is path for those who do not live in fear of their halos shine being be smudged by a little dust of the road. Life is not for the timid. Those who claim to have all the answers need not apply because in their minds they have nothing to learn.
Remember the lessons learned in climbing a mountain rather that mountain be local or Everest are learned on the journey. Nothing is learned at the top of the mountain and a climber does not pull a house out of his or her ass and live on the peak for all eternity. They embrace the moment, take the lessons to heart and move on to the next mountain or the next adventure.
We have all seen movies about family vacations where everyone was so wrapped up in the destination that they forgot about the journey itself. They laugh at the Worlds Largest Ball of String. Passing it by with nary a though. What if they were missing a lesson? What if something could be learned from the Ball of String or the man who made it?
Maybe taking a detour to see the Worlds Largest Ball of String is not as crazy as it sounds. Ask yourself what drove the person to complete this particular task?
Was it ego did they just want to see their name in the record books?
Was it therapy maybe they could not or did not want to take medication for anxiety or depression so they wound string?
Was it meditation their own personal mantra that they repeated every night struggling to find the path that so many have trod before?
Was it loneliness woven in the hopes that others on the journey might stop by and say hello?
The answer will never be known if the time is not taken to get out of the car and ask the question.
Inspiration and wisdom can be found everywhere along the path of life. Lessons are there for the taking nirvana is for everyman. Not just robed leaders of various churches but all of us.
On this journey only three items are required and they are not sex, drugs and rock and roll. Although all of the above may provide distraction they are optional not required.
What is required is nothing more than an open heart, an open mind and an open soul. Nothing more nothing less, if one leaves themselves open to wisdom much will be learned if one is blind knowledge will pass them by.
O’ and more optional item that is not required but makes the journey a hell of a lot more fun someone to share it with.
We are taught by magazines, television and the movies that we should share our journey with the perfect specimen of manhood or femininity, which of course do not exist in reality, in the real world they are nothing more than cardboard cutouts for the easily distracted.
Remember a beautiful is soul is more important, a beautiful mind is more attractive, a beautiful heart is more desirable and finding all of the above in one place far more erotic than anything imaginations can create for us.
5 years ago