Sunday, November 13, 2005


Words. Innocent in appearance, little more than random sound waves human imagination has attached meaning to. Sounds in reality are guttural in nature nothing more than grunts and groans of hairless primates striding the planet with a sense of superiority.

Each of us can return to our past identifying points along the path of time where words greatly affected our lives.

A song playing on the radio when a first kiss is shared lyrics speak to the moment seem expressing feelings when the heart has been struck dumb by passion.

A word, sentence or a passage from a book captures a reader within a tornado of emotion, lifting them up and depositing them in Wonderland beside the Cheshire Cat who with a self-satisfied grin welcomes us to his world.

Buried beneath the babble of a toddler words begin to form unnoticed until without warning a “dada” or “mama” without warning springs to the surface capturing for the parents a moment of pure bliss.

Vows exchanged when two are joined as one. Love flows on the river of words shared before the world, emotional wings lifting the spirit of all in attendance.

Words within a eulogy shared with friends and family members can through their power create an image of the dearly departed which brings them back to life for at least a brief moment leaving the congregation in tears, friend and stranger alike.

Used as a weapon though words can create lasting scars, cut deeper than a saber leaving behind a pestilence that eats away at a persons soul for days, weeks, months, years, even decades.

Few of us understand the power of words. We have been brainwashed by the childhood nursery rhyme. Repeating it as our personal mantra every time we are hurt by the insensitive words of others.

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.”

A truer rendition would read:

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words leave deeper scars.”

We all carry scars with us, inflicted by friend and stranger alike. From intentional damage to casual use words damage the psyche regardless of intention.

“You are so stupid. When I was twelve I was so much smarter than you.”

“You sure have put on weight since I last saw you.”

“That hairstyle just does not fit your face.”

“Passed up for another promotion, I guess you are just another drone with no hope for a future.”

“(Insert name here) had a better life before you came along. You just do not belong. Go back where you came from.”

“What makes you think (insert name here) really loves you. I have known them for years and they never could love someone like you.”

“I expected more from my son/daughter-in-law. You do not belong in this family.”

The list goes on forever. The self righteous amongst us laughs off the pain of others. Their contention being words are words and should be ignored. Words they say only have power invested in them by the listener. Ignore the words and presto chango no pain.

If only life were so easy.

Hurtful words from a stranger on the street may be laughed off without much difficulty. Problems arise with friends and family. When we give a piece of ourselves in friendship, in family or in love we invest a certain amount of trust. We remove a few shields and hope for the best.

Soon enough sore spots are learned and those who want to take advantage will dig in ripping away at damaged flesh. In-laws, siblings, co-workers any one of them could take advantage of a weakness or confidence and with only words reduce a person to tears.

Greater risk comes when we expose ourselves to others associated with a new friend, family member or co-worker. People who may not approve of choices made and lash out at a threat recognizable to them alone.

Logically words from these strangers should be easy to ignore but in reality they to are not. Human nature cries out for acceptance and regardless of the situation be it dating, working or marriage we want to be accepted into the circle of our new group. Without thought we lower our shields further and further from our home base. Including more and more unknown factors until the words of a casual acquaintance of a casual acquaintance have the power to damage and destroy.

In the end words are not what lifts us up nor are they what tears us down. That honor belongs to our fellow homo sapiens who as they have shown through out history can take any discovery benefiting mankind and twist it into unrecognizable weaponry that can destroy and maim without conscious thought.