Today was a day of excitement.
Today was a day of thrills.
Today was memorable.
Why, because I was blessed by the god's and provided the opportunity to experience my first ever colonoscopy.
The excitement began yesterday at 12:00 PST. As all solid food was removed from my diet and 27 hours of clear liquids began. Of course it might have been a bit more pleasurable if the definition of clear liquids included vodka, gin or rum but from what I understand the doctors are a tad particular about alcohol intake before any surgery. Including this one. Which is rather odd because usually someone has to be drunk before they allow their nether regions to be explored by a stranger.
As if clear liquids were not exciting enough a Fleet Saline Chaser was added to the mix. Supposedly there is a medical purpose for this torture, something about cleaning the pipes before the test. However, with the vast collective knowledge of the human race you would think one person somewhere would have taken the time to make a pre surgical laxative that did not leave you gagging for hours afterward.
Needless to say most of Tuesday was spent visiting the porcelain throne not posting to Murmur's.
Which in a twisted sort of way was a good thing. By the time I arrived at the clinic where the procedure was scheduled to be performed I was half asleep. So time flew by.
Skipping over unnecessary and I am sure unwanted details the bottom line is that I passed with flying colors. One small polyp that was removed and will be biopsied for safeties sake. Other than that my colon was cleaner than whistler's mother.
5 years ago
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