Another unplanned, unexpected and completely unwanted absence from the throne.
It seems that the little demons that infected my nose and sinuses were not content with territory already conquered, they were greedy and wanted more.
Christmas morning I woke up with my eye resembling a tequila sunrise that had been left half finished resulting in a rather odd and bizarre mix of colors. Oranges and reds blended together to form colors that were never meant to be displayed in the human eye. No crunchy stuff thank god but itchy beyond belief at one point I actually considered if the resulting damage would be worth sticking an ice pick in my eye to relieve the itch. And the pressure. I felt as if my eyeball would explode out of my head shoot across the room and remove the angel from her perch on the Christmas tree.
Of course with my eye contemplating various forms of implosion reading and writing were both not only out of the question but far removed from my thoughts.
Which brings us to the present. While my left eye still looks as if I have been on a week long alcoholic binge the pain, pressure and itchiness have left hopefully for good. I am still not myself but close enough to the real thing to begin living again.
5 years ago
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