Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Somewhere in America tonight, there is a man or woman who is in very desperate need of services that can only be provided by a mental health professional. I do not know the name or location of this individual but it should be the sworn duty of each and every citizen of this country to identify them and get them the help that they so obviously require.

Who is this individual and what have they done?

The person I am refering to created the latest advertising campaign for Burger King. The commercial's can only be seen as a desperate cry for help.

If you have had the good fortune to miss them, they feature a person in a king's costume with what can only be described as a demented and overly large fake head.

The latest instalment featured the "king" jumping up and down on a bed surrounded by characters who must have been the rejects from a "Village People" movie casting call. The king was having a pillow fight and his frozen demented smile was so bizarre that I am afraid to sleep tonight for fear that my dreams will be filled with screaming "king" heads.

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