Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Momdate November 23

After pulling the rug out from under her last week, my mom’s oncologist made a return visit today with far better results.

According to the quack he triple checked the test results before contacting her not wanting to repeat the error filled report she had received previously.

If he can be believed her counts were reduced by two thirds, which is a huge improvement over what mom expected to hear. Knowing that she has shown some progress has aided in tremendously improving her demeanor. Rather than having to undergo radiation over the holidays she can continue with her current treatments, which should allow her to enjoy the season to a greater degree.

When I spoke to her on the phone today I could hear the difference in her voice. She is spending the holiday with my sister and she was up and prepping food and baking which is a good sign considering how she has felt of late.

Hopefully, this will be the beginning of some stability for her so she can enjoy the new year in high spirits and spend more quality time with her grandchildren.

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