Monday, March 21, 2005


for months he struggled with conflicts, within family, within his social circle, within the world in general. he tried meditation, he tried worshiping daily at his local parish, he went on retreats, and he tried self-help, herbal medicine, and home brews. when all else failed he returned to convention enlisting a psychologist and a psychiatrist in his cure. hours of therapy, followed by bottles of pills failed to provide peace for his trouble mind. left without hope he began an internal quest for answers. he examined the conflicts, he rewound the tapes for hours on end searching for clues, anything that might bring peace to his troubled mind. maybe, he thought maybe it is within that the problem lies. maybe my actions are responsible for the despair and darkness wrapping icy fingers around my tattered soul. maybe actions that have damaged me are but a reflection of actions brought by myself damaging others. anxiety felt by me has been created by me, brought to bear on me by an image trapped in mirror of my own creation. blame so easily cast may have become the bane of my own existence. damning me to an earthly purgatory of my own creation.

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