Saturday, January 10, 2004


Are you losing your hair
Is your back to hairy
Are your breasts to small
Is your butt to big
Are you to fat
Are you to skinny
Do you hate your face
Do you hate your smile
Just give us some money
We can build a new you
A new body
A new face
A new smile
More hair
What ever you want
Your hearts desire
Can be had for a price
But when you look in the mirror
Will there be a new you
Will you be happy
Will you be loved
Will life be worth living
Or will you find
That beauty is skin deep
And all those nights
Spent crying in the dark
It wasn’t the exterior
That filled you with dread
It was the darkness you found
Inside your head
It was your soul
That was warped
By the pressure of now
To be what the world
Wanted you to be
A smiley happy person
With no thoughts of their own
Following the crowd
Off of the plastic cliff
Where modern beauty
In a tide of indifference
Where the soul
Has become
A spark of insignificance
Left to fade
In the shadows of dawn

d.s. brueckner

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