Sunday, December 05, 2004


When humanity was in its infancy
miracles were a common occurrence
Mankind found God
In all that surrounded him
A rainbow
was a heavenly promise
and celestial objects
bore angelic messages.
When the bounty was great
God was a happy God
various grains were set aside
For gods alter
When there was drought and pestilence
God was an angry God
So animals were sacrificed
At Gods alter
Every change in the weather
From storms of anger
To rainbows of promise
Reflected the mood of God
Medicine men and prophets
Found signs everywhere
From the entrails of animals
To the birth of a child
Without observations
Messages could be missed
God was given
Praise and thanks
For the world and all
Mankind beheld
The first flowers of spring
The first fruits of the harvest
A successful hunt
Marriages and deaths
The human race
Knelt in humility
Before the abundance of God

Today it seems that humanity
Has become
Nothing more than teenagers
Living in the house of their Father
In mankind’s eyes
Miracles no longer exist
Childish beliefs have been put aside
The magical has become the mundane
Existence is nothing but random DNA
Clinging together
In fear of the unknown
Turn to the high priest of science
All will be explained
Just part of the spectrum
A collision of hot and cold
The random result of sexual encounters
God is dead
Consumerism has become
Our new religion
Worship at the alter of Visa
If the payment is late
Further cash must be sacrificed
To appease the credit gods
Religion is the root of all evil
Money is our savior
We have replaced the hymns
With ringtones and rap
We have replaced the scriptures
With Playboy and Rolling Stone
Our cathedrals are shopping malls
Our savior is Wal-Mart
Like teenagers we hide what shames us
Assuming our Creator will remain in the dark
But like parents everywhere
He is wiser than given credit for
We claim God is dead
Yet we are no happier
We claim faith is for fools
Yet our souls remain empty
We claim Religion is for the weak
Yet our hearts remain cold
For No matter how much mankind spends
No matter how far humanity runs
An empty life
Pales before the reflection of God

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