My body at this point on Sunday night has no idea what has hit it. I am quite sure that my brain has thrown up its metaphorical hands shouting - Who know's what the hell he wants. All because of a bit of pneumonia, a bit of bronchial inflammation and a large dose of anxiety.
For day to day maintanence of my breathing issues I use an Advair inhaler. Helps with long term breathing issues and for me at least has little or no effect on my anxiety which of course is a good thing.
However, when hit with a combination of pneumonia and bronchial inflammation the breathing issues can rise to crisis levels with wheezing commencing on short walks from the computer to the kitchen.
On those occaisons the big guns have to be brought in, those being puffs of Albuterol which is designed for crisis mode. Problem is that Albuterol and anxiety do not play well together and I am quite sure that they do not even like each other.
If anxiety is high even before the introduction to the mix of Albuterol I am left with little choice but to follow the puffs of Albuterol with a Xanex chaser. Which is the point when my brain say - what the #@$% are you doing to me.
Albuterol is steroid based and hypes up the nervous system at least it does for me. While Xanex is for calming the nerves when one is in the middle of a anxiety attack.
With a little imagination one can easily see the problem. Steroids hit the system and it is all systems go as the body absorbs the medication. Than just when the launch is set to go the countdown is stopped as Xanex is added to the mix. Now the systems are in standby mode and no part of the body knows where to turn.
Sometimes the Albuterol kicks butt and the anxiety comes in waves. Other times the Xanex holds its own and I survive the onslaught. Last night was a four puff night. Tonight is looking the same.
So if anyone reading this detects a virtual scream ignore it. That would be me losing my mind.
5 years ago
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